Dictator Greeley Dismisses the Cabinet, and Warns Lincoln That He Will Stand No More Nonsense

Dictator Greeley Dismisses the Cabinet, and Warns Lincoln That He Will Stand No More Nonsense


Title: Dictator Greeley Dismisses the Cabinet, and Warns Lincoln That He Will Stand No More Nonsense

Year: 1861

Creator: John McLenan, Harpers Weekly

Description: New York Tribune editor Horace Greeley was thrown into despair by the Union defeat at the First Battle of Bull Run in July 1861. The cartoon quotes an editorial by the eccentric but influential journalist: “A decimated and indignant people demand the immediate retirement of the present Cabinet from the high places of power, which, for one reason or another, they have shown themselves incompetent to fill.” It portrays Greeley atop the President’s desk, kicking out President and Cabinet.

URL: http://gettysburg.cdmhost.com/cdm4/item_viewer.php?CISOROOT=/p4016coll2&CISOPTR=323&REC=3