The old bull dog on the right track An election year cartoon measuring McClellan’s military failures against the recent successes of his successor, Ulysses S. Grant. View the feature in its entirety at: Mr. Lincoln’s Classroom
Category: Feature
Uncle Sam’s Menagerie
Uncle Sam’s Menagerie Issued in the wake of Lincoln’s assassination in April 1865, the print conveys some of the Northern hostility toward the conspirators. View the feature in its entirety at: Mr. Lincoln’s Classroom
Victory and Death; Our Martyred President
Victory and Death; Our Martyred President This bittersweet cartoon by Thomas Nast mourns the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. View the feature in its entirety at: Mr. Lincoln’s Classroom
An Anxious Mamma and a Fractious Child
An Anxious Mamma and a Fractious Child In a rare pro-Democrat cartoon presidential aspirant George Brinton McClellan is portrayed as the intermediary between Lincoln and Davis. View the feature in its entirety at: Mr. Lincoln’s Classroom
Black Draught
Black Draught The political prescriptions of the Republican presidential ticket on slavery are presented as deadly for the nation. View the feature in its entirety at: Mr. Lincoln’s Classroom
John Bull-ied
John Bull-ied This cartoon presents a southern view of Union efforts to stop British shipbuilding for the Confederate Navy. View the feature in its entirety at: Mr. Lincoln’s Classroom
Uncle Sam protecting his property against the encroachments of his cousin John
Uncle Sam protecting his property against the encroachments of his cousin John This cartoon represents northern fears of European intervention in the Civil War on behalf of the South. View the feature in its entirety at: Mr. Lincoln’s Classroom
The irrepressible confict Or the Republican barge in danger
The irrepressible confict Or the Republican barge in danger The cartoon reflects the considerable bitterness among NY Republicans at their failure to nominate senator Seward for president. View the feature in its entirety at: Mr. Lincoln’s Classroom
Storming the Castle
Storming the Castle During the 1860 election campaign the “Wide Awakes” appeared in cities throughout the North. View the feature in its entirety at: Mr. Lincoln’s Classroom
The Political Gymnasium
The Political Gymnasium “You must do as I did Geeley, get somebody to give you a boost. I’m sure I never could have got up here by my own efforts.” View the feature in its entirety at: Mr. Lincoln’s Classroom