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Student Comparison Assignments
Mr. Lincoln’s White House – Cabinet
Friends – Cabinet
Compare and contrast Mr. Lincoln’s professional and personal relationships with two of his Cabinet members:
- William H. Seward and Salmon P. Chase
- Edwin M. Stanton and Montgomery Blair
- Simon Cameron and Smith
Friends – Preachers
Mr. Lincoln’s White House – Notable Visitors
Compare and contrast these members of the clergy and their relations with the Lincoln Administration:
- Archbishop Hughes and Henry Ward Beecher
- Phineas Gurley and Henry Bellows
- Matthew Simpson and James Jacques
- Peter Cartwright and James Smith
Mr. Lincoln’s White House – Generals
Mr. Lincoln and Friends – Officers
Compare and contrast President Lincoln’s relationships with two of his generals or admirals:
- Ulysses S. Grant and George B. McClellan
- Horace Porter and John Dahlgren
- Benjamin Butler and John McClernand
- Joseph Hooker and George Meade
- Henry W. Halleck and Winfield Scott
Mr. Lincoln’s White House – Notable Visitors
Mr. Lincoln and New York – Editors
Mr. Lincoln and Friends – Journalists
Compare and contrast one pair of these New York editors and their relationships with the Lincoln Administration:
- Horace Greeley with Henry J. Raymond
- James Gordon Bennett and William Cullen Bryant
- Manton Marble and Benjamin Wood
- John Bigelow and James Watson Webb
Mr. Lincoln’s White House – Staff
Compare and contrast these presidential staffers and their relations to the Lincoln Family:
- Elizabeth Keckley and Rebecca Pomroy
- Benjamin French and William S. Wood
- William O. Stoddard and Edward Duffield Neill
Mr. Lincoln’s White House – Congress
Mr. Lincoln and Freedom – Lincoln-Douglas Debates
Compare the relationship between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas in the Lincoln-Douglas debates to their relationships in the weeks after Fort Sumter:
Mr. Lincoln’s White House – Family
Friends – Sons
Compare and contrast the relationship between Mr. Lincoln and his oldest son, Robert Todd Lincoln, and his surrogate son, John Hay.