The Clairvoyant’s Dream
Title: The Clairvoyant’s Dream
Description: Four vignette cartoon shows Brother Jonathan kicking the confederacy, Napoleon III, and Emperor Maximillian, represented by animals, with his “iron-clad” boots. In the next vignette, Brother Jonathan fills the feed dish of the American eagle with yellow pills, from which the bird produces specie, “green backs.” In the third vignette, men ride horses which have the heads of Abraham Lincoln, John Charles Fremont, Pomeroy and Gilbert. The journalist, Horace Greeley, is thrown from his mount. They head toward Richmond. In the fourth vignette, titled, “The Yankee rooster converting English blockade runners into iron-clads and monitors,” the rooster consumes English blockade runners and turns them into iron-clads and monitors through the process of elimination.