Worship of the North

Worship of the North


Title: Worship of the North

Year: 1863

Creator: Adalbert Johann Volck, Etching

Description: In an elaborate scene of idol worship, Northern leaders are shown sacrificing a white man to a shrine of The Negro. A black man sits atop this shrine, labeled “Chicago Platform, ” with carved busts of Lincoln as a serpent carved into its base. Henry Ward Beecher uses a sacrificial knife, Charles Sumner holds a torch, and Horace Greeley holds a censer from which snakes slither. John Brown, with a pike, is represented as St. Ossawatomie. General H.W. Halleck, General Winfield Scott, General David Hunter, Governor John Andrew of Massachusetts; and Harriet Beecher Stowe are all present in the crowd.

URL: http://gettysburg.cdmhost.com/cdm4/item_viewer.php?CISOROOT=/p4016coll2&CISOPTR=366&REC=8